เนื้อเพลง > A Big Hunk O' Love

เนื้อเพลง A Big Hunk O' Love - Elvis Presley

เพลง : A Big Hunk O' Love
ศิลปิน : Elvis Presley
หมวดเพลง : สากล
...Hey, baby,
I ain't askin' much of you
No,no,no,no,no,no,no,no, baby
I ain't askin' much of you
Just a big a big a big,
A big a hunk o' love..Will do
( right fire )
Don't be a stingy little mama
You 'bout to starve,
Me half to death
Now you could spare,
A kiss or two
And still have plenty left
Oh, no, no baby,
I ain't askin' much of you
Just a big a big a big,
A big a hunk o' love..will do
( right fire )
SoLo 12 Bars...9...10...11...
12..You're just a natral born,
Bee hive
Filled with honey to the top,
But I ain't greedy, baby,
All I want is all you got
Oh, no,no, baby,
I ain't askin' much of you
Just a big a big a big,
A big a hunk o' love..will do
( right fire )

SoLo 12 Bars...9...10...11...
12..I got a wish bone,
In my pocket
I got a rabbit's foot round,
My wrist..
And I'd have ev'ry thing,
My lucky charms could bring
And if you gimme,
Just one sweet a kiss,
Oh, no,no,no,no,no,no,no, baby
I ain't askin' much of you
Just a big a big a big a big,
A hunk o' love will do..
Right fire
Just a big a big a big a big,
A hunk o' love will do..
Right fire
Just a big a big a big a big,
A hunk o' love will do..
Right fire....

จบเนื้อเพลงA Big Hunk O' Love - Elvis Presley

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