เนื้อเพลง > Nobody Wants To Be Lonely

เนื้อเพลง Nobody Wants To Be Lonely - Ricky Martin-C.Aguilera

เพลง : Nobody Wants To Be Lonely
ศิลปิน : Ricky Martin-C.Aguilera
หมวดเพลง :
...there you are.
in a dark-ened room.
and you're all a-lone.
look-ing out the win-dow.
your heart is cold
and lost the will to love.
like a bro-ken ar-row.
here I stand in the sha-dows.
come to me come to me
can't you see that
.no-bo-dy wants to be lone-ly.
no-bo-dy wants to cry.
my bod-y's
long-ing to hold you.
so bad it hurts in-side
time is prec-ious
and it's slip-ping a-way
and I've been wait-ing
for you all of my life.
no-bo-dy wants to be lone-ly.
to-night oh
why don't you
let me love you
....oh why...
do you hear my voice.
do you hear my song.
it's a ser-e-nade.
so your heart can find me.
and sud-den-ly
you fly-ing down the stairs.
in-to my arms ba--by
be-fore I start
go-ing cra--zy run.
to me
'cause I'm dy-ing
.no-bo-dy wants to be lone-ly
no-bo-dy wants to cry.

my bo-dy's long-ing
to hold you.
so bad it hurts in-side.
time is prec-ious
and it's slip-ping a-way.
and I've been wait-ing
for you all of my life.
no-bo-dy wants to be lone-ly
to-night oh.
why don't you let me love-you
I want to feel you deep-ly
just like the air
you're breath-ing.
I need you here -
in my - life
don't walk a-way
don't walk-a-way.
no-bo-dy wants to be lone-ly.
no-bo-dy wants to cry...
no-bo-dy wants to be lone-ly.
no-bo-dywants to cry.
my bo-dy's long-ing
to hold you
so bad it hurts in-side.
.time is prec-ious
and it's slip-ping a-way
and I've been wait-ing
for you all of my life.
no-bo-dy wants to be lone-ly
why don't you let me
no-bo-dy wants to be lone-ly
no-bo-dy wants to cry
my bo-dy's long-ing
to hold you
so bad it hurts in-side..

จบเนื้อเพลงNobody Wants To Be Lonely - Ricky Martin-C.Aguilera

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